Outsider Comics and Geek Boutique is cozy, welcoming, and inclusive local comic book store located in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle, WA. We are a queer, trans, woman of color owned small business that caters to readers of all ages and experience levels, specializes in indie and local publishers, and highlights local, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ creators. You can find graphic novels, zines, geeky fashion, nerdy jewelry, games, gifts, and much more in our store. Learn more or visit Outsider today!
We have a 100% mask required policy. We ask that everyone over the age of 3 wear a face mask in the store. Free face masks are provided, but we appreciate it if you bring your own.
It’s been two years since I became part (and eventually full) owner of Outsider so… let’s have an update! (Outsider has been around since 2016-ish, but I am considering this […]
While Diamond’s latest announcement shook the comics world and got everyone (us included) debating the pros and cons of each comic book distributor, nobody is talking about the most important […]
Are you shopping for someone who is incredibly hard to shop for? Or maybe someone who has very specific tastes? Or even someone you hate??? Well, we often get requests […]
November 20th is Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day where we mourn the trans and nonbinary siblings we have lost to violence and oppression, whether systematic or personal. It’s also […]
November 13th to 19th is Trans Awareness Week, a week where organizations around the world participate to increase the understanding of issues faced by transgender and nonbinary people. We kind […]
Welcome to the October edition of the Outsider newsletter / update / thing! Let’s get right to it! In case you missed it we’re now an *award winning* local comic […]